Skills Builder Partnership

At Claremont we work with Skills Builder Partnership. Skills Builder enables our children to access a range of lessons where we can develop skills they need throughout their education and beyond. By preparing them for the world of work from an early age will enable them to understand that they have the potential to be anything they choose to be in the future. We are aware that we are preparing children for jobs and careers that may not even exist yet, but there are key skills they will need. These are: listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high. Leadership and teamwork.

The children are able to take part in enterprise projects both in school and at local businesses. Once a year all children from Early Years to Year 6 take park in a Challenge Day which allows them to put their skills into action; working together to solve a problem. In the summer term each class from Year 1 to Year 6 develop these skills further as they take part in a ‘Lesson time project’. Some of the projects the children will take part in throughout their time at Claremont are: community café, brilliant books, active minds, food glorious food, going green and the big business challenge.

In addition to the projects in school children in key stage 2 have the opportunity to visit businesses in Manchester and apply their skills to challenges set for them in the real world of work. They work alongside staff from Skills Builder and from the business they visit and never fail to make us proud with the reports sent back about their attitude, behaviour and application of skills.

Visits: 5