Mathematics Curriculum Statement


Mathematics is incredibly important in our lives and we use and apply mathematical concepts every day often without even realising it. The laws of maths shape the world around us and so it is our aim at Claremont Primary School to help every pupil become a lifelong mathematician. We want our children to have the foundations for understanding the world, the ability to reason and problem-solve as well as a sense of enjoyment and natural curiosity about maths. We strive to develop perseverance, resilience and independence in our learners.

Maths is an interconnected subject in which our pupils need to be able to move fluently between concepts and mathematical ideas and apply their understanding in different contexts.

A high proportion of our children have English as an Additional Language (EAL) so we ensure that teachers and TA’s incorporate key vocabulary and clearly model skills using visual aids, ICT and cues to enhance the learning. We provide opportunities to teach and reinforce mathematical concepts in other curriculum areas to ensure a more holistic experience for our pupils. All children are given the opportunity to access the curriculum at their level and are provided with the resources required to enhance their understanding.


Maths is taught through the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and the early learning goals (ELG’s) in the Early Years Foundation Stage where children are encouraged to explore numbers and patterns and learn about shape, space and measures using an enquiry-based approach that enables them to observe, investigate and ask questions

In years 1-6 we use the framework of the 2014 National Curriculum to implement a spiral curriculum that includes high quality daily teaching of maths and the delivery of appropriately challenging work for all individuals. Every lesson begins with a daily counting and mental and oral starter session to ensure general maths knowledge and fluency are maintained and developed. Throughout all year groups, the fundamental concepts (place value, the four operations and fractions) are of high priority and as well as being taught and revisited as discrete units they are a priority in the counting and starter sessions.

Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations are used to support all pupils’ conceptual understanding, deepen connections between topics and guide them through the mathematical process. Whilst we teach Maths in progressive distinct domains (units of work), we recognise that maths is an interconnected subject. Therefore, we encourage children to make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. All areas of the curriculum are taught using high quality resources such as: White Rose Maths, Focus Maths, Head start, I See Maths and PiXL to support, stretch and challenge all children within the classroom. Children are encouraged to take part in oral discussions related to their learning and to us appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Mistakes are encouraged throughout school and children are supported in how best to learn from them. In addition, the school’s calculation policy is used to ensure a coherent approach to teaching each operation in our school.

In order to advance individual children’s maths skills in school and at home, we utilise Sumdog Maths for targeted application and consolidation. As a school we take part in school, regional and national competitions raising the profile and importance of maths for our pupils. 


As a result of maths teaching at Claremont Primary School you will see:

In Lesson observations and book looks:

  • Engaged children who are all challenged.
  • Confident children who can all talk about maths and their learning and the links between mathematical topics.
  • Well planned sequences of learning which support children to develop and refine their maths understanding.
  • Lessons that use a variety of concrete resources to support learning.
  • Different representations of mathematical concepts.

In Assessment:

  • Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.
  • Formative assessment takes place on a daily basis to evaluate the learning during a lesson and across a unit of work.
  • Summative assessments are completed at the end of each half term; their results form discussions in termly Pupil Progress and PIXL core group meetings and update our summative school tracker.

In Pupil and staff voice:

  • At regular intervals throughout the school year, the views of children and staff from across the school are sought to assess our children’s enjoyment, knowledge and skills of mathematics. The views and knowledge of the children and thoughts from staff are then used by subject leaders to develop maths within the school.

Useful Documents

Curriculum Statement Mathematics            
Mathematics Subject Overview            
Parents/Carers Meeting  – Counting Year 1 and 2 Year 3 and 4 Year 5 and 6

Visits: 100